Πέμπτη 11 Ιανουαρίου 2018
18:00 - 20:00
The Masterclass “Branding for startups” is organised by Orange Grove and addressed to both Orange Grove and Social Dynamo startups. Orange Grove is a flexible co-working space and community for young entrepreneurs in Greece. It is a renowned initiative of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Athens, and is financially supported by Dutch-Greek businesses and grantmaking foundations active in Greece and deals with innovation in branding for NGOs and startups organisations.
In this two-hour masterclass, brand strategist Peter Economides will provide some branding guidance to Orange Grove and Social Dynamo startups.
The training will be followed by a networking cocktail between Orange Grove startups and Social Dynamo hosted groups.
What is it about:
Think of the world’s greatest brands.
Every one of them was once a startup.
You’re probably thinking that you’re too small to think about brand.
Or, that you’ve got other, more important things to think about.
Like raising money.
Or scaling up production.
Or securing distribution.
Brand is reputation.
And reputation is your single most important asset.
Especially as a startup.
Where and when:
The masterclass will be hosted in Orange Grove co-working space, Leoforos Vasileos Konstantinou 5, 106 74, ground floor, on Thursday January 11, at 18:00-20:00. The masterclass will be followed by a networking cocktail.Entrance to the masterclass is free.