Online training for Greek Civil Society Organizations
June-December 2020
A new journey begins in June for Social Dynamo with an online 6-months empowerment and capacity building training program for the Greek Civil Society organizations.
Given the COVID 19 pandemic and the challenges it brought upon the Civil Society the new cycle is based on online training and consulting accessible for non-profits from all over Greece.
Due to the online engagement, participants will have the chance to network and meet other organizations with common objectives, situated, however, in different locations of Greece.
The content of the new cycle follows the founding and management of a non-profit organization. Each month is dedicated to a different aspect of this procedure.
More specifically, the training subjects will be:
- Business plan and strategy (June)
- NGO Management & Human Resources (July)
- Communication (September)
- Financial Sustainability and Fundraising (October)
- Project Management (November)
- Evaluation and Impact Report (December)
While designing the program, all circumstances, and changes, related to the Covid19 pandemic, were considered. Moreover, during the semester, apart from the organizational trainings, specific trainings will be held to empower organizations with concrete subjects.
The co-working space of Social Dynamo at the “Serafeion”, a community complex of the Municipality of Athens, will remain closed until the situation alters. As soon as the public health measures are lifted, the space will be available from Monday to Friday (09:00-20:00), for the non profits of the previous cycle (5th cycle) which will extend their collaboration with Social Dynamo, as well as other organizations and teams for meetings and events.
How can you take part in the open cycle of Social Dynamo?
The open cycle is flexible and one can participate in all webinars and consultancies regarding his/her needs and priorities. However, we suggest you to subscribe the earliest possible for the webinars you are interested in to make sure you reserve a place.
Information about the specific webinars for each month can be found in our monthly newsletter (you can subscribe by pressing here) and in the events calendar where you can also book a place for each activity separately.