The R.O.C.K project (Regeneration & Optimisation of Creative and Knowledge cities) is an HORIZON2020 EU funded project and a network of 32 European cities, universities, enterprises, organisations, and consulting and media agencies that work together in order to demonstrate how Culture and Cultural Heritage can be a unique and powerful engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth for the whole city. Social Dynamo is one of the partners co-organizing the series of workshops taking place in Athens.
In the framework of peer to peer learning and exchange of expertise, the city of Athens is a mentor city to Bologna, Lisbon and Skopje in the fields of consultation, democratic processes and accessibility to culture based on the municipality’s own experience through the synAthina platform and the management model of the Municipal Market of Kypseli. At local level, Athens focuses on capacity building and training sessions for cultural professionals, grassroots initiatives and small-medium social enterprises and on the coordination of synergies among different stakeholders.