Within the framework of our collaboration with Ashoka, Social Dynamo supports the implementation of the Hello Europe programme. Hello Europe is an Ashoka initiative which identifies the most powerful solutions related to migration from around the world and helps scale them in Europe. Using nearly 40 years of expertise in social innovation and scaling success, and a global network of leading social entrepreneurs, Ashoka is perfectly placed to contribute to broader change in improving the lives of refugees and migrants in Europe. These solutions—from a network of older people teaching language classes to new arrivals, to finance tools, to culturally appropriate therapy for trauma, and beyond—are having profound impact. We can help them have more. Starting with the HELLO Festival Berlin in 2016, Ashoka and key European partners (including Zalando, Robert Bosch Foundation and the Schöpflin Foundation) have invested more than €1 million to source, scale and transfer innovative solutions in four countries. We now turn our attention to Europe as a whole. These solutions have potential to transform the continent and change lives in every country. Our task: to get them there. To achieve this, we launch national accelerators that help identify, support and scale the most innovative and effective citizen sector solutions to the challenges underlying migration, integration and refugee movements.
Starting with the HELLO Festival Berlin in 2016, Ashoka and key European partners (including Zalando, Robert Bosch Foundation and the Schöpflin Foundation) have invested more than €1 million to source, scale and transfer innovative solutions in four countries. They are now expanding the program to 6 new European countries.