Maria Biquet is an experienced Business Consultant and Executive Coach with vast experience from diverse business fields. She has worked with senior executives from different countries in the private sector, the public sector and international NGO’s. In the last 25 years she has worked for multinational companies in strategic marketing positions and led start – up projects for setting up new companies. She brings knowledge of diverse business sectors such as Telecommunications, Automotive, Retail Financing, Insurance, Banking and Consulting. Maria has long experience as a Consultant, Coach and Trainer focusing on introducing innovative services to the market and on guiding people in developing new skills necessary for highly complex environments. Maria holds an MBA-International Marketing from Sunderland University – UK, a BA in Literature and Linguistics from the University of Athens – GR and a Diploma in Coaching from the Coaching Institute – UK, and has an advanced certification as neuro-coach by NeuroBusinessGroup in the USA and a Certified Master Coach by the CAC (Centre for Advanced Coaching) in the USA. EMCC Accredited Senior Practitioner Coach, VP Marketing Communications of HCA/EMCC Greece since Jan 2018 and Senior Researcher on Ethics in EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) since 2018. Author in “The Good Coach” Professional Coaching since 2017.