Fotios Katimertzopoulos, is a PhD candidate of Economic Sciences Department, of the Democritus University of Thrace. Holder of a degree in Accounting and Finance, as well as a Master in International Studies (South-East European Studies) of Law Department, Democritus University of Thrace. He is an adult trainer and moreover, a certified practitioner coach of European Mentoring and Coaching Council and of Association for Coaching. He is also active in the sector of consulting, concerning foundation and management of businesses, as well as in the field of human resources development, by providing consulting services for career development (Business, Career and Performance Coaching). Furthermore, he is co-founder and project manager of the Non-Governmental Organization: “T.E.A.M (Teach, Encourage, Achieve, Motivate)”. In addition, his interests center upon business culture and innovative issues, social entrepreneurship and business ecosystems. Through mentoring, his aim is to consult groups of people on how to be consciously aware of providing and contributing to the whole, as well as how to holistically face difficulties concerning their group and environment both in short and long term.